• Greetings Makers! We're just a little over a week away from the Faire and are excited to have you join us. It's vital that you complete this form to submit the names of your Maker Assistants, the people who will directly help with set-up and running of your Maker exhibit. If you have any issues, please email us from the email address you used during the Call for Maker proposal/application process at contact@makerfairenova.com
  • The name must match the name of the lead maker who submitted the original proposal.
  • The email address must match the email address of the lead maker who submitted the original proposal and must agree with the EntryID you enter next.
  • Please enter the 4 digit number assigned to your Maker Proposal. You should have received this when your application was accepted to the Faire. This EntryID and the above Email Address must match those on Maker's accepted Call for Maker application. Need help? Please email contact@makerfairenova.com from the address you used in the original proposal and we will provide your EntryID.
    Please enter a number from 1000 to 1500.
  • NameEmail Address 
    Use the + sign to the right of Email Address to add another row. IMPORTANT: You are responsible for conveying to your assistants that we'll email them with an Eventbrite code early next week and they must use it to register their no-charge ticket. Assistants who show up the day of the Faire without a ticket will be told to call their Lead Maker to get the assigned code and register before they can enter the event. Please also convey that Maker Assistants must arrive by 9:00am Sunday morning.